Pursuing Excellence in Design and Technology - Raj Lal

Saturday, January 4, 2014

CHOICE Reviews Digital Design Essentials as Recommended -- A. R. Hutchinson, Will Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Digital Design Essentials book reviewed by CHOICE magazine, a premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest'


"This reference work illustrates 100 usability design tips for websites and other applications across devices, not only for aesthetics but also for functionality and ease of use. Lal, a digital product designer, addresses advanced website functions, including the creation of a shopping cart, reviews and ratings, mobile commerce, touch screen interfaces, infographics, APIs, and other current technologies. Each topic features a short instructional page with bullet-point recommendations and tips on what to include. A facing page shows real-world examples and/or case studies. Some of the text instructions refer readers to other entries with related design concepts. The content, organized into sections titled "Desktop," "Web," "Mobile," and "Miscellaneous," is well indexed. Rather than being a technical manual on how to create websites, widgets, or other applications, this volume presents best practices from an ease-of-use perspective. The examples undoubtedly will become outdated soon, but they represent some of the best illustrations of contemporary usability design. The rapid evolution of technology means that few books are available to compare with this one. It will be useful to those interested and/or active in web development or mobile app development.

Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-level undergraduates, general readers, professionals/practitioners.

--A. R. Hutchinson, Will Smithsonian Institution Libraries Copyright 2013 American Library The Association

Choice Review for Digital Design Essentials - http://www.cro3.org/content/51/03/51-1238.full

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