The Software Architect - Juval Lowy

"It's amazing that wikipedia has an entry for "Software Crisis", but the most amazing part is, it is dated 1972" - Juval Lowy. software architect and the principal of IDesign
In his session on Software Architect at Bay.Net Microsoft Campus at 4/5/2010, Juval talks about how the Software industry is in deep crisis. He talks about Technology and Architecture, how Sherlock Holmes would talk about Crime and Murder, with passion, shrewdeness and confidence to the level of arrogance. One of the most refreshing sessions I have attended in last 6 months.
Some notes from his presentation.
The Architect has three roles
1. Process Lead
2. Technology Lead &
3. Design Lead
And can be classified as a Technial Managers, what a wonderful way of describing Architect's role. He said, in true sense an Architect has to do the Softare engineering, and Software engineers are just the technicians. His approach towards solving the software crisis is by following the same principles we apply on any other engineering discipline, industrial, civil, etc. something to think about. I have no doubt that he is right, but what amazed me that he was so sure about that, like William Strunk Jr, commanding everybody, "omit needless words", Juval was shouting "All developers are technicians, they don't know what to do, they know how to do it", and Architect role is to define What is to be done.
5 years ago, I came across his book on Programming .Net components, It was so wonderfully written that I could not resist sending him a great congratulations for the book, and in return you won't believe, he sent me .Net Components newer edition, and yesterday I was able to shake hands with the Microsoft Legend. Wow ! Almost felt like meeting a celebrity. If you haven't already read Programming WCF Services by Juval then you are really missing something.
Labels: common place, Technology
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