Pursuing Excellence in Design and Technology - Raj Lal

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm

I am a big fan of Richard P Feynman, an American physicist, scientist, teacher, raconteur, and musician.

Whenever I come across a complex problem , I follow the Feynman's Problem Solving Algorithm.

The Feynman Problem-Solving Algorithm:
(1) Write down the problem
(2) Think very hard
(3) Write down the answer

You know, what's the hard part ? Write down the problem.This looks very simple but try it out. You will find your thoughts scattered.

The moment you write down the problem clearly, your mind starts thinking over the problem. It takes few hours to few days(sometimes). You have to sleep on it. If the problem is tricky sometimes it takes few days. But if you think hard, sooner or later you will find a solution. the moment you get the light bulb moment, Write it down.

I think this is a Simple and effective approach for solving almost any kind of problems. And Mr. Feynman, a great inspiration for all times.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Web Usability

Tips on Designing great web pages

The second part of the User Experience presentation.
Web Usability
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: user experience)

Click here to download the presentation

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