The choices we make, and the chances we
take, determine our destiny

While coming back from Florida trip with a bunch of guys we had this
One of my mates Mahesh made a statement everything in this world is
predefined. You cannot change it; however it can be predicted by some
extraordinary peoples or can be changed by some extraordinary events.
I thought he was joking but his belief was too strong and that like a bug
kept me thinking a number of times. That even moved me at the core of my
beliefs. It is something like person biasness. "Who say becomes more important
than what he says" we judge a statement more by who is saying that than what he
is saying. The other day I was suggesting a jobseeker friend to make some
changes in his resume, but he didn't and the same thing was told to him by a
counselor, he did that. That might be the case but that definitely get me
started thinking.
'You cannot change it'
'You cannot change it'
It was haunting me days and nights then I thought of sharing it
We have heard this so many times "you cannot change your destiny" Is
there something called destiny which is programmed by god or some supreme power
and each of the living beings has to go through the route defined by that
program. You cannot skip a single step or take a different route. Except
possible for miracles which can hopefully come under the "extraordinary events"?
Is each and every event in the world is destined to happen the way it
happens? Every birth, every friendship, every love, every marriage, every
accident, every success, and every failure even every death is predefined?
“Nostradamus” the famous astrologer and prophet, who was believed to be
able to forecast even 9/11 event based on stars.
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by
Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb",
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654 “
He might be one of that "extraordinary people". Does this confirm the
prediction of the event?
Everything in our lives does follow a preprogrammed pattern. The same cycle
of education, job, marriage, children and so on. Each and every event is like a
repetition. Already done before.
That reminds me of a classic "Einstein's dream" by ‘Alan lightman’ who
compares time as a circle where everything in this world has happened before.
"People do not know they will live their lives over. Traders do not know they
will make the same bargains again and again. Politicians do not know that they
will shout from the same lectern an infinite number of times in the cycle of
time. Parents treasure the first laugh from their child as if they will not hear
it again. Lovers make love the first time undress shyly, show surprise at the
supple thigh, the fragile nipple. How would they know that each secret glimpse,
each touch, will be repeated again and again, exactly as before."
There is one more theory about parallel universe where what ever happens in
our world it has happened there before. Does that not say that everything is
predefined? If what ever happening today has happened there before that means we
cannot change it.
We all have sometime in our live experienced that coming events cast their
shadows before. Does that mean that the event is inevitable to the extent that
it also gives us a feeling before coming?
In our great epic Bhagwat Geeta it is said
“Result in also as per the laws of nature and not as per our expectations.
Capacity to accept the result of your actions as the grace of God is the secret
of success and key to avoid stress in life. Do not have the attachment to the
results -maintain the attitude to work with sincerely and accept the result as
in accordance with the wish of God.”
Does that also hints that we cannot predict our future or is our future
already written?
There are prophets (they will also come in the extraordinary people category)
who can tell how long you are going to live just by looking at your hand even
there is a website
Which can predict, how long you can live, based on your date of birth?
But is that even remotely true? Or based on the constellation position of the
stars there are prophets (extraordinary people) who can predict the type of life
you will have.
I want to add here a true event about my friend's uncle who is a politician
and who was told by an "extraordinary person" that he will be attacked by some
criminal on a particular date but he will survive. He tried hard not to go out
on that date. But due to some extenuating circumstances he had to and (I would
have never believed that) that actually happened with him.
Was that also preplanned by someone up there? Are we so much at the mercy of
that program that we can't even plan 6 months from now or 6 days from now? Can't
we even take a decision of our own? Are we all like prisoners having a false
sense of freedom?
Like in the movie matrix, we believe what we see and we do what everyone
does. But actually it’s just a mirage. The whole world, all our emotions at
different times is actually a part of the game played by someone else. And in
that game everyone has his share of happiness, sadness, success, failures, etc.
Which also is predetermined?
Still thinking...
1. Einstein’s Dream – Alan Lightman
2. Bhagwat geeta
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