Pursuing Excellence in Design and Technology - Raj Lal

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Point Resume

Introducing Point Resume: Resume in Points in a slideshow format.

Who has time to go through your 10 page resume ? Here is a new approach to create your resume in points in simple slides. Employers can, not only know about you with in a minute, but can be impressed if you put things in the correct order. What is a correct order ? Well ! "the order" in which "relevant to the Job" details come first.

Point Resume format in 11 simple slides

1. Name and Contact Details
2. Summary
3. List of Points (4-10, like a Table of Content)
4. Expertise
5. Roles in Industry (Experience)
6. Extraordinary Achievements / Skills
7. Achievement
8. Certification
9. Education
10. Others
11. Contact Details AGAIN

Keep in Mind
1. Be Professional
2. Be Precise
3. Be Clear

Thanks for Reading. Here is a SAMPLE Point Resume FORMAT

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